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OPSEU Convention 2016

2016 was my 9th OPSEU Convention as a delegate. It’s hard to believe it has been that many. Where have all the years gone?

And I have to tell you that this one was quite a roller coaster ride. In the end, Convention did what democratic conventions do. Issues are debated by delegates. Delegates vote to set the direction of the union. Conclusions are reached democratically.

All throughout, no matter what issues arise, as activists we keep our committments. We never forget what the union is for. We seek to better the lives of working people. Union or non-union. In the CAAT Academic Division, we probably face as great as challenge as any as we tackle the issue of precariously employed faculty in the colleges.

At Convention, our member Mike Melkert competed in the OPSEU’s Got Talent competition. He didn’t win but we’ve very proud! Here’s the special Convention Update issue of In Solidarity with a story on the competition:  2016 Convention Update Day 3.

–Darryl Bedford