Absence Reporting for Partial-Load Faculty

Should you need to be absent from class, you need to report the absence to your School. There should be a designated contact person, usually the “SIS Designate” for your School. Your School will post a notice on your classroom door. We also recommend that you notify your students via FOL e-mail.

You are entitled to Short-Term Disability (“sick leave”) under Article 26.08 of the Collective Agreement. Your entitlement is based on the number of teaching contact hours per week and the number of calendar months you are under contract. This entitlement can also be accumulated (“sick leave bank”) provided you are rehired as partial-load faculty within 6 months of the end of your previous partial-load contract.

As of today, your sick leave bank is tracked manually by your School and not by the online Absence Management System (AMS).

Note: There is no sick leave entitlement while you are Part-Time or Sessional as you are not covered by a Collective Agreement.