Full-Time Faculty Benefit FAQ
Q: Where can I find updated forms and information about filing paper claims with SunLife?
A: Login to the myFanshawe portal. You may need to type Fanshawe\ in front of your username in order to login. Under Employee Services–>Human Resources–>Benefits and Compensation–>Benefits Information on the “Benefits General” tab you will find forms and instructions.
Q: How do I file SunLife claims electronically?
A: If you have not already done so, you may register for an Access ID and password to logon to the Sun Life Plan Member Services website at www.sunlife.ca/member. Once registered, you will be able to:
- Have claim payments deposited directly into your bank account
- Update your personal information and address
- Print personalized claim forms
- View and/or print details of your claims
- Print pay-direct prescription cards
- Print out-of-province travel cards
- Check the status of your recent health and dental claims
Q: What if I need to appeal a SunLife decision?
A: SunLife decisions can be appealed through the Joint Insurance Committee (JIC). You can contact the Local and we will guide you through the process.
Sick Leave (Short Term Disability)
Q: How do I check how many sick days I have?
A: Go to the MyFanshawe portal. You may need to type Fanshawe\ in front of your username in order to login. Under the Links tab on the right, click Absence Management System.
Q: I’ve heard about being contacted by LifeWorks (formerly Morneau Shepell) when sick. How does that work?
A: Fanshawe College requires medical documentation when someone has been absent for five consecutive days. They have contracted out this process to Morneau Shepell. It is important to note that as an agent of the College, Shepell is not entitled to any more information than the employer is entitled to.
Q: If I have been contacted by LifeWorks, what should I keep in mind?
A: You may find these documents helpful:
Talking To Your Doctor.pdf
What medical information is the employer entitled to.pdf
Fanshawe-Specific Benefits
Q: Is there an EAP program available?
A: Should you require personal or family counselling or other services, the Employee and Family Assistance Program (EAP/EFAP) can be reached at 1-800-663-1142.