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Local 110 statement regarding OPSEU litigation

Dear Members:

Many of you have seen news reports about the litigation between OPSEU Head Office and its former leadership. In the words of President JP Hornick, these revelations are “troubling.”

We share your concerns.

Like you, we learned of this legal action for the first time yesterday.

JP has promised to provide further updates as she is able.

Local 110’s finances are separate from those of OPSEU Central and are administered solely by the local, in accordance with OPSEU’s Constitution and Local Bylaws. Your local finances are not affected by this lawsuit.

For example, our local contingency fund is separate from the provincial strike fund referenced in the news.

We also have elected Trustees, members who are independent from the executive, in our local. These Trustees prepare Trustee Audit Reports (TARS) that regularly review all our local expenditures.

Our local expenses are aboveboard, and we are committed to transparency. Our annual budget (which passed yesterday) is reviewed both by our Local Executive Committee (your elected stewards) and passed at a General Membership Meeting at which all signed members are entitled to vote.

Head Office has confirmed that its financial resources remain solid and that its operations are unaffected.

We are sorry that we don’t have more detail to provide at this point, but we would be happy to try to answer any further questions you have, to the best of our ability.

In Solidarity,
On Behalf of Local 110’s Officers

Mark Feltham, BA (Hons.), MA, PhD, OCELT (He/him)
President, OPSEU Local 110: The Fanshawe College Faculty Union