Collective Bargaining Information Services (CBIS) – Workload Data

OPSEU and The Council have established an advisory committee to assist the Ministry of Labour Collective Bargaining Information Services (CBIS) in gathering and analyzing data for collective bargaining purposes.

The CBIS Advisory Committee identifies the information to be collected, develops formats for coding the information received, and recommends types of analysis to be performed on the data, as well as its dissemination.

2018-19 CAAT Academic Workload Survey FINAL

2017-18 CAAT Academic Workload Survey REVISED APRIL 2019

2016-17 CAAT Academic Workload Survey

2015-16 CAAT Academic Workload Survey

2014-15 CAAT Academic Workload Survey

2013-14 CAAT Academic Workload Survey REVISED

2012-13 CBIS Workload Survey Tables

2012-13 CAAT Academic Workload Survey FINAL

2011-12 CBIS Workload Survey Tables

2011-12 CAAT Academic Workload Survey FINAL

2010-11 CBIS Workload Survey Tables

2010-11 CAAT Academic Workload Survey FINAL

2009-10 CBIS Workload Survey

2008-09 CBIS Workload Survey (Final)

2007-08 CBIS Workload Survey

2006-07 CBIS Workload Survey