About the CAAT Plan
Unlike the situation facing other unions and their pension plans, the CAAT Plan is excluded from collective bargaining under the Colleges Collective Bargaining Act. Instead, the CAAT Pension Plan is governed an independent Board of Trustees with representatives from OPSEU Academic and Support Staff, OCASA (Administrative Staff), and Colleges Ontario. The employer and employee trustees jointly make decisions for the benefit of all plan members. Link to: CAAT Pension Plan Web Site
Part Time, Partial Load, and Sessional Faculty can participate too!
A common misconception is that you must be a member of the union to contribute to the CAAT Pension Plan. Not so. If you work as a part time, partial load, or sessional college faculty member in Ontario, the CAAT Plan refers to you as “Other Than Regular Full-Time” (OTRFT) employee. An OTRFT employee is technically defined by the Plan as someone with a fixed contract end date. As of January 1, 2014 OTRFT members can opt to join the Plan immediately upon hire.